Save The Cow Blog is a dedicated flexitarian food journal of healthy recipes.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Thanks Georgie

Rob & I hav become obsessed with the George Foreman Grill.  We usually cook turkey burgers or salmon burgers on it.  Recently, I've discovered how easy it is to cook grilled veggies on it.  Check it out!  This whole meal was George Foremanned!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Dolphin Dinner

Dolphin Dinner

As you can tell.  Flipper is on on our plate.  Actually we went to Costco & got ourselves some groceries this week.  Mahi Mahi (which I was informed by my neighbor) in english is dolphin not to be confused with the porpoises that they eat in hot lunch at the Japanese grade school cafeterias.  Humm... did I ruin your apetite?  Anyway you know how to make quinoa, fry fish on the george forman... I'll tell you how I made the salad because it is so Russian/ Italian and it was so good.
It was Russian because of the cabbages and the tomatoes and Italian because of the dressing and the Basil.

Russian/ Italian Salad
Slice what ever portion of cabbage you want in your salad. Chop the Cabbage finely as if you were making a coleslaw.  Chop a few basil leafs into fine strips.  Slice grape tomatoes in halves.  Add a spring mix or romain lettuce.
Generously add olive oil.  Add less apple cider vinegar than the olive oil about 1/4 to 1/2 the amount of olive oil.  Salt and pepper to taste.  Be more generous with the salt and pepper!


I was talking to one of my girlfriends the other day and she mentioned that she had picked up some FAGE yogurt the other day.   BLAH EH ECK... were the noises she made as she described how "disgusting it was."  I was laughing because I knew that she had eaten it plain.
I am a huge fan of any greek yogurt wether it be by FAGE or Trader Joe's.  My favorite things to top it with is honey & frozen berries.  Sometimes when I am in the mood for something  different, I put honey, cinnamon, and almonds into the mix.
And the reason I discovered Greek yogurt was from my big sister.  She makes the "tart" flavor frozen yogurt out of one bucket of Trader Joe's Greek Style Yogurt and 3/4 to 1 Cup of sugar.  Thats the recipe.  Mix it all up and then you've got your own Yogurtland tart fro yo.