Save The Cow Blog is a dedicated flexitarian food journal of healthy recipes.

Monday, February 28, 2011


Lately I've been thinking about Russia.  It's on my mind often and I gush anytime I am given a blessed memory of the place.  Recently, Robbie and I were in Trader Joe's (the only place I shop now because I can!)  I couldn't help but overhear a mother and her two daughters speaking in Russian.  I feel so creepy when this happens because I all of a sudden drop everything I am doing just to hear the beautiful melodic language that I once spoke everyday.  How wierd does this seem?  People think that they are speaking almost in code because obviously no one else knows Russian in public places like in the grocery store.  At least that is what they think.  I did nothing though.  I stopped, listened and said nothing.  WHy?  I think I've become shy again.  I am so sad about this.  I vowed on the way home that the next time I see or hear someone who speaks Russian, I will answer back.  I have to.  I need to or such an extreme experience and trial time in my life will have been wasted and no longer beneficial to me.

So today, I am on trial three for being sick.  First I got sick when I was in Santa Barbara because my family passed it to me.  Just when I thought I was better, I went to the pool and developed a sinus infection from water being trapped in my nasal cavities (who knew they go back to far?)  And Wollah!  This morning I wake up with the worst cough and body ache ever which developed into a fever.  Needless to say KP Seriously stop complaining but through all of this awfulness today, I decided to make a secret potion to fix me up for good.  Who knows if it will actually work but this is what I made and it is SLISHCOM OSTREY meaning way to hot.  SO those of you who don't need to burn a sickness out of your system go easy on the garlic and jalapeno peppers.

SPICY HUMMUS WRAPS (Gluten Free & Vegan)
4 cloves of garlic
1 jalapeno
1 lemon
1 teaspoon of white vinegar
1 tablespoon of olive oil
1 can of garbanzo beans
Salt to taste
1 tortilla
1 red bell pepper
1 cucumber
Sliced olives (didn't have them today but would have loved to)


Unwrap the cloves of garlic and finely chop the garlic as well as the jalapeno.  Add this to your blender.  Squeeze all of the lemon into the blender.  Add the vinegar and olive oil.  Dump the can of garbanzo beans into a colander and rinse them off with hot water.  Add the garbanzo beans to the blander.  Salt to taste.  You may have to mash the consistency on your own if your blender doesn't do the trick.

Now warm up your tortilla, spread the hummus on it adding the rest of the ingredients sliced.  Enjoy.

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