Save The Cow Blog is a dedicated flexitarian food journal of healthy recipes.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Thanks Georgie

Rob & I hav become obsessed with the George Foreman Grill.  We usually cook turkey burgers or salmon burgers on it.  Recently, I've discovered how easy it is to cook grilled veggies on it.  Check it out!  This whole meal was George Foremanned!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Dolphin Dinner

Dolphin Dinner

As you can tell.  Flipper is on on our plate.  Actually we went to Costco & got ourselves some groceries this week.  Mahi Mahi (which I was informed by my neighbor) in english is dolphin not to be confused with the porpoises that they eat in hot lunch at the Japanese grade school cafeterias.  Humm... did I ruin your apetite?  Anyway you know how to make quinoa, fry fish on the george forman... I'll tell you how I made the salad because it is so Russian/ Italian and it was so good.
It was Russian because of the cabbages and the tomatoes and Italian because of the dressing and the Basil.

Russian/ Italian Salad
Slice what ever portion of cabbage you want in your salad. Chop the Cabbage finely as if you were making a coleslaw.  Chop a few basil leafs into fine strips.  Slice grape tomatoes in halves.  Add a spring mix or romain lettuce.
Generously add olive oil.  Add less apple cider vinegar than the olive oil about 1/4 to 1/2 the amount of olive oil.  Salt and pepper to taste.  Be more generous with the salt and pepper!


I was talking to one of my girlfriends the other day and she mentioned that she had picked up some FAGE yogurt the other day.   BLAH EH ECK... were the noises she made as she described how "disgusting it was."  I was laughing because I knew that she had eaten it plain.
I am a huge fan of any greek yogurt wether it be by FAGE or Trader Joe's.  My favorite things to top it with is honey & frozen berries.  Sometimes when I am in the mood for something  different, I put honey, cinnamon, and almonds into the mix.
And the reason I discovered Greek yogurt was from my big sister.  She makes the "tart" flavor frozen yogurt out of one bucket of Trader Joe's Greek Style Yogurt and 3/4 to 1 Cup of sugar.  Thats the recipe.  Mix it all up and then you've got your own Yogurtland tart fro yo.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Spoiled Baguette

Have you ever been so excited to be in Santa Barbara that you forgot your baguette in the car?
We did.  It was a bummer for sure when we got it out later and realized it was hard as a rock.
Holding it in one hand while the other hand naturally had fallen to the side gestured what a disappointment this was!  I was dazed almost in a transe with thoughts flooding my mind about this $3.00 bread stick.  It was my Easter Baguette; a celebratory snack.  Because eating white floured bread isn't something I let myself do very often.
Croutons somebody said.  "Huh, I guess we could make croutons," I thought to myself as if that was the only way to salvage it and pretend that we were helping the starving kids in Africa by eating the spoiled food rather than wasting it.  How those thoughts of justification come into our American psyches I'll never know.
Anyway Croutons is was and I will say... they were my favorite part of the Easter feast.  Artichokes made a quick second to the croutons.

Spoiled Baguette Croutons

Olive Oil
Fresh Pressed Garlic
Garlic Salt
Ground Pepper
Fresh Rosemary
1 Baguette

Chop the bread into slices and slice those slices until you have cubed squares somewhere between 1/2 inch and 1 inch.  Toss those in a steril plastic bag and throw in some freshly pressed garlic and olive oil.  Sprinkle on some garlic salt and fresh ground pepper.  Shake this all around so that the flavorful glaze is even.  Dump them out onto a pan that will go into the oven preheated at 350 degrees.  Arrange them nicely as you gently piece fresh rosemary flakes from your Summerland garden onto each crumb.  Its beautiful; it's gorgeous.  It's going into the oven and when it comes out after 3-5 minutes... you'll be in heaven.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Veggie Juice

I am a morning person despite my husbands internal clock.  I have a bad habit of pestering my husband to wake up because I want to hang out and go and do something fun.  The other morning Calli and I had an extremely early morning get together.  I think I was there by 8:00 am.  This was probably to the relief of my husband who could finally catch a little more Z's.
Our top secret early bird gathering was rooted in one of Calli's specialty morning drinks.  She has a juicer.  She juiced me up some carrots, cucumbers, celery, & apple.  It was oddly enough delicious.  It was sweet and had a beautiful texture... actually there was no texture and that was the beauty of it.
This morning I figured why not make my own?  I don't need a juicer to indulge in such a nutrient rich morning treat.  I will admit I was wrong.  I added carrots, brussel sprouts, spinach, & apple.  The taste was bearable, it was the texture that was heinous.  I really had to water it down and let everything settle to the bottom before I came close to finishing it.
I think I'll be sticking to my spinach fruit smoothies or use a juicer next time.

Friday, April 15, 2011

People Who Try

Starting a blog is way easier than keeping one but it definitely helps knowing that others do read what I write and actually try out some of the recipes.  Here are two of the latest entries from people who actually have tried some of the recipes!  This is so exciting!

This is from Lindsey & Ben who have made Coconut Curry Soup with Quinoa a couple favorite.  They add chicken so than Ben can feel like he has gotten his protein even though the soup is already jam packed with grams of protein.  You can never get enough protein if your a big guy I guess.

Next is Dani who is drinking a green smoothie Linda and the girls in Austin made.  They apparently grow fresh spinach.  How cool is that?  I want to try one of those.
How cute is she?  And healthy too.  When Ryanne's boys were over I tried to get them to drink it by calling it a monster drink.  Only Tavin tried it.  He was stoked his brothers didn't want any because there was more for him.  Thanks to everyone following!

Fruit Tops Them All

Toast is an ultimate favorite breakfast food in the Pike home.  Why use jam or jelly when you can have fresh fruit?  The healthy enzymes are alive and well in freshly cut strawberries, it tastes better too.  Sometimes we like to add peanut butter on the bottom and or honey on the top.  Enjoy.  We love it.  We do it with blueberries, blackberries, bananas, and I'm going to try grapes this morning.  Sounds so much more appetizing than grape jelly.  Doesn't it?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Detox In the Morning

Wake up.  Drink lots of water along with your morning detox tea.... Hot water and lemon OR Hot water and a tablespoon or two of Apple cider vinegar.  Add honey if you can't hang with the sour pout.  Works like a charm!

Pickle Salad

Pickle Salad

1 Big Pickle
1 Handful of Baby Carrots
1/2 Zucchini (raw)
10 Baby Tomatoes
1/3 Cup Feta Cheese
Romain Lettuce
Arugula Lettuce


1/2 Tablespoon Hummus
1/2 Tablespoon Whole Grain Mustard
2 Tablespoons Balsamic Vinegar
2 Tablespoons Olive oil
Ground Pepper (to taste)

Salad tastes like a sandwich.  Love it.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Quinoa Featuring TJ's Thai Red Curry Sauce

When I feel like theres nothing to eat, there is always quinoa.  Actually thats not true.  Quinoa is a choice food.  The lucky part about it is that it is non perishable and will go with any flavor you want.  If you're into Russian spaghetti you could probably eat it with straight ketchup and mayo.  That's not really my thing.

Today I am featuring one of my favorites from Trader Joe's.  Drum roll please: Thai Curry Sauce.  They have yellow and red and both are delicious.  For some reason I really like either sauce in combination with raisins.

Quinoa of the Day

2/3 cups boiling water
1 1/3 cups dry quinoa
2 long celery sticks
10 baby carrots
1 small zucchini
2 baby onions
5 basil leafs
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1/2 tablespoon olive oil
14 frozen shrimps
3 tablespoons of red curry sauce
Raisins sprinkled on individually
Pinch of Salt

Start the skillet to boil water and when the water is boiled, you know the drill, add the dry quinoa.  After about 5-7 minutes, add your olive oil, lemon juice, and a pinch of salt. Start to add your vegetables.  Just think of which veggies are going to not get soggy if you put them in first.  So half the carrots and slice the celery.  Then a little while down the road, zucchini and shrimps.  You keep the lid of the skillet on top so that quinoa can get soft.  Everything else from the chopped baby onions, chopped basil leafs, raisins, and even the curry sauce can be added in at the very end after the quinoa is finished cooking.  (The whole cook time should take from 10-12 minutes).

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Latest Green Drink

Low and behold I feel a sore throat coming on... Who saw that one coming?  ROBERT!
Anyway... This morning I devised a green drink that felt really good on my throat.  I thought it was going to be sour but it wasn't!  I promise.

The Latest Green Drink

Fresh Peeled Orange (Refrigerated)
Nice Big Handful of Spinach
Five Frozen Strawberries
1-2 Tablespoons Fresh Lemon Juice
1 Cup Cold Water

Fruit & Nut Salad

Fruit & Nut Salad

Chopped Raw Almonds
Dried Cranberries
Chopped Pink Apple
Herb Salad Mix (Trader Joe's)
Champagne Pear Vinaigrette Dressing (Trader Joe's)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Roburrito Feta Five Veggie Burrito

Again in honor of burning out Robbie's sickness, another mexican food in the journal.  He claimed it was one of the best burritos he's ever had!  My secret ingredient is to season the veggies in Taco Seasoning.

Grill up veggies with some Olive Oil S&P and some Taco Seasoning:
Bell Peppers (Colorful mix from Costco)

Stuff a warm tortilla with warmed up:
Cuban style beans from Trader Joe's
Brown Rice

Add in:
Chunky Tomato Salsa
Spicy Jalapeno Pepper HOT SAUCE

Try to roll it all up and fall in love with the Vegetarian Burrito.  You won't even miss the meat!

What a Spicy Sprinkle Can Do

When I was 12, I somehow convinced my friends to sacrifice their beautiful faces to science.  At that time I was discovering natural potions, scrubs and oils by combining fruits and minerals yogurt etc.  I think it was a coming of age thing.  My eighth grade science project consisted of using different types of muds to create a natural mask.  Although we found a winner mud, we also developed dryness and rashes from the others.  I don't think any of us will put natural mud on our faces again.
Since then, I have been drawn to the world of natural herbs and their benefits.  Enjoy these fun facts on spices as I have highlighted a few points from two articles from Dr. Mercola's website.

Licorice~ Buffers the inflammatory response by increasing steroid output by your adrenal gland; good buffer if your immune system is over responding to the flu.

Black Pepper~ Increases the bioavailability of just about all other foods--herbs and other compounds.

Turmeric~ A general immune system booster due to high antioxidant capacity.  Turmeric is 5 to 8 times stronger than vitamins C & E, and even strong enough to scavenge the hydroxyl radical, which is considered by some to be the most reactive of all oxidants.

Oregano~ The active agent is rosmarinic acid, a strong antioxidant.


Turmeric~ Its potent anti-inflammatory properties come from curcumin-- the pigment that gives turmeric its yellow--orange color, and which is thought to be responsible for many of its medicinal effects.  There are an estimated three to five grams of curcumin in 100 grams of turmeric.  Curcumin has been shown to influence more than 700 genes, and it can inhibit both the activity and the synthesis of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX2) and 5-lipooxygenase (5-LOX), as well as other enzymes that have been implicated in inflammation.

Nutmeg~ A study in the Journal of Bioscience and Bioengeneering found that nutmeg extract has antibacterial activity that can significantly reduce certain strains of E. coli.  Nutmeg is also beneficial for joint pain and gout, and nutmeg oil has been traditionally used to treat toothaches. (Take nutmeg in moderation as the side effects may cause nausea, hallucinations, swelling and shock).

Peppermint~ Traditionally used to sooth the digestive tract; a study published in the journal BMJ in 2008 found peppermint oil may even be beneficial in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome.  Also known to inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi, and can help relieve symptoms of allergies and asthma.

Cloves~ One of the most potent anti-inflammatories with anti-bacterial and antioxidant properties.  Beneficial against muscle pains from injuries, arthritis and rheumatism.  It also contains eugenol and its mild anesthetic benefits are useful for toothaches, gum pain and sore throats.  Also offers relief from respiratory ailments such as asthma and bronchitis, and eliminates intestinal parasites, fungi and bacteria.

Ginger~ Has anti-inflammatory properties and helps protect against bacteria and fungo.  Also eliminates intestinal gas and relaxes and soothes your intestinal tract, while boosting your immune system.  can also protect against atherosclerosis by lowering cholesterol levels and preventing the oxidation of low density lipoprotein (LDL).

Cinnamon~ A powerful antimicrobial agent that also enhances your antioxidant defenses.  It's been found to kill E. coli and many other bacteria.  Its anti-inflammatory compounds help relieve pain and stiffness of muscles and joints due to arthritis.  Also helps prevent urinary tract infections, tooth decay and gum disease.


Nutmeg~ According to a study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food, an extract of nutmeg seeds elicited a significant antidepressant- like effect in mice; in some doses comparable in potency to the antidepressants imipramine and fluoxetine.  In fact, reducing anxiety and treating insomnia are two ailments that nutmeg has been traditionally used for.

Natural Salt~  According to a 2008 study in the journal Physiology & Behavior, salt may be a natural mood elevating substance.  Sodium deficiency can induce behavioral changes such as reduced motivation, fatigue, and feelings of depression.  It is important to note that common table salt and the salt used in processed foods is a highly processed variety NOT natural salt.  Himalayan salt is a natural salt etc.

Journal of Medicinal Foods Deemed these the top ten most potent flavors as beneficial to your health.

1. Cloves (ground)
2. Cinnamon (ground)
3.  Jamaican Allspice (ground)
4.  Apple Pie Spice (mixture)
5.  Oregano (ground)
6. Pumpkin Pie Spice (mixture)
7. Majoram
8. Sage
9. Thyme
10. Gourmet Italian Spice

Basil~ Basil provides Vitamins A, C, and K, along with iron, manganese, magnesium, and potassium.  Loaded with flavonoids, basil helps prevent cell damage from radiation and oxygen.

Ginger~ Treat nausea and an upset stomach with ginger; prevent and treat the the common cold with antiviral components.

Fenugreek~ This Mediterranean herb is good for menstrual cramps, menopause symptoms, cholesterol, and diabetes.

Flat Leaf Parsley~ Parsley is renowned for containing high levels of antioxidants and is full of vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber that help balance cholesterol and ward off constipation.

Turmeric~ The Cork Cancer Research Centre's test results show that turmeric can kill gullet cancer cells in 24 hours!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Vegetarian Mexican Soup

Poor Robbie has fell ill again.  It's a gorgeous Sunday and I would prefer to make a salad and have apples and brie.  Oh wait.  I did.  I made this especially to take care of Robbie.

Vegetarian Mexican Soup

Boil 2 C of water, 1 Cup Chicken Broth
Add 2 Tablespoons of Lemon Juice
1/2 C Herdez Red Salsa

Chop one fresh tomato
2 Stocks of Celery
5 Baby Bell Peppers
3 Sprigs of Baby Onion
Add all fresh chopped ingredients

Add 1 C of pre made Brown Rice
Add 1/2 C pre made Quinoa

Finishing touch is adding fresh herbs: Cilantro, parsley etc.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Strawberry Sandwich Sweets

A few years ago Dad came home from the Farmer's Market raving about the combination of strawberries and dates together.  Katie is in town and we just happened to make a Trader Joe's run endowing ourselves with such delicious ingredients.  We decided to add almonds to the mix.  Enjoy welcoming the Summer Season with these Strawberry Delights!


Slivered Almonds

Wash and slice strawberries in half.  Slice the dates into fourths.  Enlace one side of the strawberry middle with slivered almonds.  Add a date to the middle.  Top the strawberry with the other half and fasten it together with a tooth pick.  Woh-lah!  Pure strawberry joy!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Since I've been trying to get back into shape lately, I'm starving.  Go figure.  I like the idea of having mini meals.  Today I made a mini meal of


1 can of tuna
1 table spoon mayo
2 teaspoons Cumin
1 teaspoon Curry Powder
1 pinch of Tarragon
Mix together.
1/2 of chopped apple
1 small handful of dried cranberries
2 handfuls of lettuce spring mix


Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I remember when Apples were in season in Saratov Russia fall of 2009.  No one seemed to be able to get rid of their apples fast enough.  They were everywhere and going for so cheap and the best part of all--they were the most wonderful tasting apples I remember ever eating.  Oh how I miss the produce from the dacha (a private plot of land in Russia used for agriculture.)  Something else that was heavenly there, was the honey.  I'm sure we have honey just as good but it's so seldom that you think to buy it at the farmers market.  Slap on my wrists.  Anyway,  I love this recipe.  Natalia, my dear beautiful Russian friend made it for Less and I one evening.

1 Apple
1/2 Cup Honey
1/4 Cup slivered Almonds (thats my addition)

As you can tell it's basically apples with honey and almonds if you wish.  This is one of my favorite desserts when I want to be bad but not that bad before bed.  I usually have it with tea.


I had no idea that getting your dark leafy greens in the daily diet was so simple.  The rage between Yogi's recently is...

Yogi Green Smoothie

1 banana
1 orange
1 or 2 handfuls of Spinach

Blend it all up in a blender.  If your banana isn't frozen you might want to add a little bit of ice.


Knowing I'm a Quinoa Addict, I give you yet another Quinoa recipe.  I made this today when Robbie and I enjoyed our lunch outside in the gorgeous San Diego Sun.  Lately, Rob has been obsessed with the George Forman grill and turkey burgers.  I made quinoa as a side dish.
One of my girlfriends that I met this summer showed me a recipe for salad dressing when we went on a retreat to hike Zion.  It involved balsamic and whole grain mustard.  It's a really good combo.  I think she probably added minced garlic too.  We forwent the garlic today and forwent the salad as well and made the dressing into a flavor for the Quinoa.

Mustard Seed Quinoa

Prepare 1 cup of Quinoa (dry).
Mix in 1 1/2 Tablespoons Whole Grain Mustard (We heart Trader Joe's)
Mix in 2 Tablespoons of Balsamic Vinegar
Mix in 2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper to taste. (My taste is going generous with both.)

I added raisins sprinkled in.  I also think that finely chopped up steamed carrot would be a nice addition but I haven't tried it.


I'm recently aloof due to some major Yogi Training.  Pleased with my transitional period of life, I am feeling very engaged within the San Diego Community.  Yoga is pulsing and ready to burst here.  Almost as if a new wave from Swami's has picked up and ready for another go.  I wouldn't be surprised if it swept up the coast.  Yogi will be the new Boho.  As I am learning from many other Southern California Twenty-Somethings about what it takes to live a yogi life, I have become very interested and inspired.  These things definitely deserve some research.
My most recent point of research is Ayurveda; an ancient medicinal diet; a way of life.
I can't upload the Dosha quiz but if you want to find out which one you are contact me and I'll email you.  Basically there are three Doshas, meaning three types of diets or nutritional regimens which vary from individual to individual.  Take the quiz to see what you are!  This is only the beginning.

PS.  If you are interested in checking out a the Local Yogi Nutritionist Blog.  I love her stuff!

Monday, February 28, 2011


Lately I've been thinking about Russia.  It's on my mind often and I gush anytime I am given a blessed memory of the place.  Recently, Robbie and I were in Trader Joe's (the only place I shop now because I can!)  I couldn't help but overhear a mother and her two daughters speaking in Russian.  I feel so creepy when this happens because I all of a sudden drop everything I am doing just to hear the beautiful melodic language that I once spoke everyday.  How wierd does this seem?  People think that they are speaking almost in code because obviously no one else knows Russian in public places like in the grocery store.  At least that is what they think.  I did nothing though.  I stopped, listened and said nothing.  WHy?  I think I've become shy again.  I am so sad about this.  I vowed on the way home that the next time I see or hear someone who speaks Russian, I will answer back.  I have to.  I need to or such an extreme experience and trial time in my life will have been wasted and no longer beneficial to me.

So today, I am on trial three for being sick.  First I got sick when I was in Santa Barbara because my family passed it to me.  Just when I thought I was better, I went to the pool and developed a sinus infection from water being trapped in my nasal cavities (who knew they go back to far?)  And Wollah!  This morning I wake up with the worst cough and body ache ever which developed into a fever.  Needless to say KP Seriously stop complaining but through all of this awfulness today, I decided to make a secret potion to fix me up for good.  Who knows if it will actually work but this is what I made and it is SLISHCOM OSTREY meaning way to hot.  SO those of you who don't need to burn a sickness out of your system go easy on the garlic and jalapeno peppers.

SPICY HUMMUS WRAPS (Gluten Free & Vegan)
4 cloves of garlic
1 jalapeno
1 lemon
1 teaspoon of white vinegar
1 tablespoon of olive oil
1 can of garbanzo beans
Salt to taste
1 tortilla
1 red bell pepper
1 cucumber
Sliced olives (didn't have them today but would have loved to)


Unwrap the cloves of garlic and finely chop the garlic as well as the jalapeno.  Add this to your blender.  Squeeze all of the lemon into the blender.  Add the vinegar and olive oil.  Dump the can of garbanzo beans into a colander and rinse them off with hot water.  Add the garbanzo beans to the blander.  Salt to taste.  You may have to mash the consistency on your own if your blender doesn't do the trick.

Now warm up your tortilla, spread the hummus on it adding the rest of the ingredients sliced.  Enjoy.

Friday, February 25, 2011


Moving back has been wonderful and as I have started my first week of Yoga Teacher Training, things have gotten a little hectic.  As I spent a few days with my cousin in LA, she kept mentioning something that sort of bothered me.  She'd say, "I'm trying to live where I live."  I agreed with her that this was a good idea.
Since the time we have moved back, I made it a goal to stay out in Ramona.  It's very hard to stay there when our in laws live right over the hill in a place where there is all that there is over the hill.  We haven't make it back to where we are "supposed" to live since we left.  We do plan however, to go back for church this Sunday and that should start us off to live where we live--And I say that thinking we probably will come back next week.  We are so bad at that.
As I was coming back from Teacher Training in Point Loma a few nights ago, I was getting on the 5 and the sign read LA North.  I almost didn't get on.  It just didn't seem right.  My whole life LA was South.  That sign gave me this weird sense of reality.  I wanted to change the sign to feel more comfortable.  After all I do live here and I would feel more comfortable stating that LA was South.  Nice logic Kel but obviously ignorance to it doesn't help.
I wonder how long it will take for me to tell people that I am from San Diego.  Those words are hard to muster.  The sad part is I absolutely love it here.  Things are going great.  I have been overwhelmingly welcomed into the ward and social friend groups.  It's almost as exciting as starting college again or arriving in a new area in your mission. Robbie and I are getting started on charting out our newlywed back from college course.  It's a very exciting time and no time to have this small since of identity crises.  I need to live where I live just like Loni said.  And I'm telling you I am enjoying it.
We will conclude our vagabond voyages this Sunday and when we do I can finally wear something else and get back to some of my favorite girlie products in my bathroom.  Something that has stuck since we have been voyaging around California due to sickness and potential weight gain is the conscious goal to feed my body good things that it deserves, I give you one of my soup creations...Everything but the kitchen sink soup.  Enjoy and be inspired to put all that you have in your kitchen away in one big brewing pot.


1 Large can of Tomato Paste (TJ's Tuscany choice)
2 Cups vegetable broth
1 Bag of 12 bean lentil soup mix from TJ's  You can also do whatever beans you want about 3 cups
4 Branches of celery chopped
3 Clumps of cauliflower chopped
7 Small peppers sliced (get bag from Costco)
1 Zucchini diced into triangles
1/4 Cabbage sliced
1/4 Onion diced
1 or 2 Jalapeno peppers diced and include the seeds
Crushed red pepper, black pepper and salt to taste.

Show you a picture later!

Friday, February 11, 2011


Berry Beet Frozen Yogurt

1 1/2 Cups Fresh Red Grapes
1 Small Beet
1 Cup Frozen Cranberries
1 1/2 Cup Frozen Mixed Berry Blend
2 Small Lemons
1/2 Cup White Sugar
1 1/2 Cup Greek Yogurt

Start with a blender & blend grapes & the beet (steamed, chilled, peeled & chopped.)  When the mixture is smooth, add the frozen berries.  Blend the berries into a smooth mixture and continue by adding squeezed lemon juice from each lemon,  Mix in the sugar & the Greek Yogurt.  The color of your mixture should be a stunning deep reddish purple color.
Add the mixture into the ice cream maker letting it run until desired thickness.
Add baby chocolate chips for extra texture & flavor.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Valentines Day is coming up & I'm excited because I get to use one of my favorite vegetables in celebration.  This Valentines Day I'm in love with beets.  They are the perfect source of deep reddish pink for a festive Valentines meal.

VALENTINES SOUP & SALAD + Valentine's Extra Credit Quinoa:

Lovers Salad (V & G course)

3 Cups Mixed blend of Spinach and Spring Mix
1/4 Cup Chopped Walnuts
1/4 Cup Dried Cranberries
1/4 Cup Feta Cheese (V alternative forget the cheese)
1 Steamed and chilled beet Chopped
Served with Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing

Steam beet first with skin on.  Then peel & chop after chilled.

Sweetheart Soup: Lubimchick Borsht (V & G course)

4 Cups Chicken broth (V alternative substitute 4 Cups vegetable broth)
2 large potatoes diced
2 Cups shredded Chicken (V alternative forget the meat)
1 Grated Medium size beet
2-3 Grated Carrots
2 Medium fresh tomatoes pureed
2 Cups Cabbage thinly chopped
2 Cloves Garlic finely chopped
1 Table Spoon of Dried Parsley
1/4 Cup Cilantro
Salt & Pepper

Use the biggest pot you own.  Bring chicken broth to a boil.  Add diced potatoes and shredded chicken and turn heat down to slowly cook the diced potatoes.  Add the grated beet and grated carrots.  Add tomatoes pureed.  Add chopped Cabbage.  Add Garlic Parsley & Cilantro.  Salt and Pepper to taste.  Let simmer for 3-5 minutes.  Remove from heat & serve with Dark Rye toasts for a Russian flare.

Valentine's Extra Credit Quinoa (V&G course)

1 Cup Dried Quinoa
1 Handful Beet Greens
1 Handful Spinach
1/3 Cup of toasted almonds
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 1/2 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar
Salt & Pepper

Mix beet greens & spinach into already cooked Quinoa.  They will steam naturally from the warm quinoa.  Add toasted almonds.  Pour in a tablespoon of olive oil.  Pour in 1 1/2 tablespoon & of balsamic vinegar.  Salt &Pepper to taste.


Lindsey is my kid sister who reminds me to write up my recipes.  To Lindsey because I will benefit from my recipe journal just as much as you.